Thursday, May 28, 2020

Wit and Humour: Gopal in the Sweet Shop

Hi there!!! Today's Wit and Humour story is about Gopal, the jester at Krishna Chandra's court. Krishna Chandra was the King of Krishnanagar, in Bengal. Gopal was, what you could say, the Tenali Raman of the North East!! His antics were loved by the King, who laughed at the absurdity and sheer wit of Gopal. Today, Gopal will be joining the kids of the village to steal some sweets from the ill-minded sweet-seller, Bhola. Let's go…

The children of Krishnanagar loved Gopal because he often joined them in his pranks. Many a time they used to loot the chips-shops and burgle the bakeries. The children didn't have any part in the heists though, nooo. It was all Gopal. He made the heist. He was the strategist. Everything the kids were said to have done, Gopal would have actually done!!
One summer morning, Gopal was strolling down a gully road with his friends, the kids, when they asked him, "Gopal Maama!!! Will you do something for us? Please!!!" Gopal replied, "Of course!! Tell me what should I do?" The children ran in front of Gopal. "Hey!!! Wait up!!! I'm old and fat!!! Wait, kiddos!!!!"

Soon, Gopal caught up to his pals and huffed, "Please!!! Pleeeeaaassse!!! Stop running!! I can't bear to do this anymore!! What do you want?!?! Just tell me!!!!!" One of the kids pointed to the left of the gully road. Gopal didn't see anything!!! He squinted his eyes, but he didn't see anything!! He was staring at an empty stretch of land!!! When he caught his breath, Gopal saw that there was a small shop there. It had a tall, blue-painted, splintered plank of wood at the front, which folded front to be a small platform. On the roof of the shop was a sign that said, "BHOLA'S SWEET SHOP." 

When Gopal saw the sign, he understood everything, "Ooohhh!!!!" Then, one of the children, a small and scrawny one, narrated," Gopal Maama, can you please get some free sweets from Bhola's shop? Just for us?!" All of the boys nodded their heads in agreement. All but one, who told the scrawny one, "Sweets from that man?! Impossible!!! He even cheats us when we pay him money!!!!" Gopal stroked his not-so-hairy chin and said, "Is that so?! Hmm… Well, leave it to me and get ready for a feast!!!"

Gopal sauntered over to the back door of BHOLA'S SWEET SHOP and peeked in. He saw that Bhola was lying down on his bed. His son sat next to him with a glass of milk. Gopal heard Bhola say, "I am sleeping. Wake me up if anyone comes and don't let me catch you eating sweets!!" He nodded in reply and saw his father to his bed.

When Bhola dozed off, Gopal ran in and started hogging the sweets!! Bhola's son waved his hands in confusion, "HEY!!! Wh-what are you doing?!?! Wh-who are you?!?" Gopal smiled and said," Your father knows me. Just call me Makkhi!!" (Makkhi means 'fly' or 'flying bug').  Bhola's son ran into his father's room and screamed, "FATHER!!! FATHER!!!! Makkhi has come!!!!" Bhola mumbled, "Huh? What?! Makkhi?! Stop chattering and let me sleep!!" But, his son kept insisting. 

Meanwhile, Gopal kept on wolfing down rasgullas and gulab jamuns, pedas and laddoos. He even stole Bhola's pots and filled them with sweet treats for his friends. Bhola shouted at his son, "HOW MUCH CAN A MAKKHI EAT?!? What a fool," Gopal heard Bhola say this and turned to leave. He told Bhola's son, "See? I told you your dad wouldn't mind!" 
A few minutes later, Gopal went to see the children. 

He showed them the delicious delicacies. The kids drooled at the sight of the yummy sweets, which were plopped in their hands by Gopal. They pulled the desserts from each other and chomped them off. Smiling, they thanked Gopal," THANKS GOPAL MAAMA!!!!!!" Gopal proclaimed," You're welcome!! When you pass Bhola's shop, be sure to give him Makkhi's regards!! HaHaHa!!!"
Thus, Gopal stole sweets from the evil Bhola.

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