Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Story of Bheeshma…

Hi!! Today's stories are about the Pandavas' and the Kauravas' grand-uncle, Bheesma and how he got his name. Let's go…

Long ago, hundreds of years before the Mahabharata, there once lived a king called Shantanu. He was of the Kuru dynasty and was the king of Hastinapur. One day, Shantanu strolled down the riverbank of the Ganges and saw a beautiful maiden standing right in front of him. He was struck by the arrow of love. He went running to the lady and declared, "You look beautiful. I am Shantanu, the king of Hastinapur. I wish to marry you," The lady was taken aback She didn't even know this man and he wanted to marry her?! She stared at Shantanu and replied, "Hello, O King. I agree to your proposal, but I have one condition: You must never question my actions, EVER!! Do you understand?!" Shantanu blindly agreed. On the spot, they got married.

Soon, Shantanu's wife was blessed with a baby boy!!!! Shantanu was elated. His wife didn't smile in the least!!! Suddenly, the lady picked up the baby boy by its legs and threw it into the river. Shantanu was aghast!!! His child had been murdered by his wife!!! But, he couldn't question his wife, for the fear of her leaving lingered on him.
Shantanu and his wife were blessed - no, cursed - with six more babies!! But, Shantanu didn't utter a word. He gazed as his wife flung all of them into the Ganges. Nothing came out of his mouth. He wished that another child was not to be borne to them.
But, his wish didn't come true. Another child was born to them. He couldn't bear to see the sight of the baby's weeping face, as it drifted down the river. Suddenly, a change of mind came over him. He needed to save that child.
Shantanu ran to the banks of the Ganges. He saw his wife lowering the baby into the blue water. He called out to her and continued running. She stopped drowning the baby. Shantanu ran to her and said, "You can't do this!!! You have killed seven of our kids!! Please, I beg you!!!" His wife was calm. She didn't argue with Shantanu. She took the baby out of the water and told Shantanu, "I am not who you think I am. I am Ganga, the Goddess of this river!!! Do you remember the promise you made to me when we got married?! You have questioned my actions!! I shall leave for the heavens and take my child, Devavrata, with me. I shall give him the best education with the saptarishi. He shall be trained to get the throne when you die." And with that, Ganga flew into the skies, leaving Shantanu struck with grief, thinking about spending the rest of his life without Ganga.

Devavrata gained his education from the best teachers in the universe!!! He learnt his political sciences from Brihaspati, the Teacher of the Gods, and Shukracharya, the son of Maharishi Bhrigu. He learnt the Vedas and Shastras from the other son of Bhrigu, Chyvana. He learnt the mental and spiritual sciences from Sanatkumara, one of the sons of Brahma. Finally, he learnt the art of warfare from the avatar of Vishnu, Parashurama. Devavrata was the most educated man on earth!!!
After his education, Devavrata went to join his father's court. His father was elated at the sight of his son, all grown up. Having joined Shantanu's court, Devavrata was easily confirmed as the apparent heir to the throne. Having gone on multiple military campaigns, all successful and being the child of a goddess, he was loved by the whole kingdom!!! Shantanu was content about his son that his future was secure. However, Shantanu secretly loved a fisherwoman who operated in the river Yamuna. Her name was Satyavati. When Shantanu went to ask for her hand in marriage, Satyavati's dad proclaimed, "Only my daughter's sons shall be your heirs!!!" Shantanu was stuck in a dilemma. On one hand, he had the lady who he had wished for, but on the other hand, he had his son, Devavrata. If Shantanu married Satyavati, Devavrata wouldn't be the king. Shantanu was confused. He reluctantly declined the hand of Satyavati and returned to Hastinapur, despondent.

Seeing the despondency that his father was facing, Devavrata questioned Shantanu to tell him why he was feeling low. Shantanu didn't answer him. Devavrata pestered his father to give him the reason behind his sadness. Shantanu wouldn't say. Devavrata took a long time to squeeze the answer out. Upon getting to know that Shantanu had declined his hand in marriage to Satyavati, Devavrata set off to her house. He rode on his horse for ages, until he reached Satyavati's small hut on the edge of river Yamuna. He knocked on the rickety wooden door and was received by an old man, who asked, "Who are you?? What do you want?!" Devavrata declared, "I am Devavrata, the son of Shantanu. I have come here to declare that I shall not become the next king of Hastinapur. Satyavati's sons shall be the heir to the throne." Satyavati's father was amazed!! "Thank you, beta! But, even if you don't become the king, one of your sons will become the king!!!" Devavrata suddenly was struck by confusion. He agreed with his to-be-grandfather. Instantly, Devavrata found a solution!!" O, Grandfather!! I know what to do!!! I SHALL BE A BRAMHACHARI!!!" (Brahmachari means to never be married in your life!!!) With this fierce oath, or bhishma pratigya, flowers showered upon Devavrata. He earned the new title of Bheeshma, or the one who takes the fierce oath. Bheeshma sacrificed his title of crown prince. King Shantanu granted him the magnificent boon of Ichcha Mrityu (He could control the time of his own death, making him immortal until he wishes to die)!!! Bheeshma served the throne faithfully and truthfully.

Thus, Devavrata earned the new name of Bheeshma.

Thanks for reading the story of Bheeshma!! Please click the blue button and subscribe with your email to receive emails about my posts!! Happy reading!!!!


  1. Wow very nicely written Pradyun :) you know so many stories! Keep up your reading and writing habit Pradyun :)


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