Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Story of the Brahmin and the Crooks…

Hi!! Today's story is about three crooks who tricks Brahmin into giving them a lovely dinner. Let's start…

Ages ago, in a clearing in a forest not far from here, lived a Brahmin. He was a simple-minded, God-fearing man. A very learned man was he. Every day, he would bathe in the river near his house. Then, he would perform pooja in front of the gold idols he had in his small hut. He had a wife and two children, who were very small and loved animals. They would pet their cow, Saraswati, and give her green, fresh grass. Saraswati would graze on the bottle-green grass, and the children would run about and play in the grass. Their mother would call them in for lunch, and along with them they would bring Saraswati back and tie her to a tree. After their lunch, they would help their father in any poojas or in collecting for the whole afternoon. They spent their whole day doing this. This was their life.

One day, the Brahmin had to go do a pooja for a very rich landlord, in a huge mansion. It was on a very auspicious day.
When the pooja was over, the Brahmin's friend gave him a fat and healthy goat as a gift. The Brahmin bowed down to the noble and said, "Thank you, kind Sir." He then departed from the mansion with the goat on his shoulders. When the Brahmin reached the edge of the forest, he saw three men. They were dressed up like rowdies. The Brahmin waved to them. They waved back. But, little did the Brahmin know that they were crooks!!

One of the crook looked at the goat and licked his lips. Another one closed his eyes and prayed to God for the goat. And the leader of the crooks' eyes widened in desire. He told his accomplices, " Let's get that goat. It will make a hearty meal for us," the other two agreed. Another one of the crooks added, "But Master, we must think of a plan. We must put our heads together and come up with a fool-proof plan." They thought for some time, and came up with a brilliant plan. They went in three different ways and executed their plan.

The first crook went in front of the Brahmin and stopped him, "What is this?! Such a respected priest, carrying a dog with him!! O Brahmin, you are a holy man. Why do you carry such a dirty dog on your shoulders?!" The Brahmin was confused. He asked the crook, "What are you saying? I have a perfectly clean goat with me. Stupid fellow, Can't you see?" He looked at his shoulders, and saw that the goat was there, bleating away. "Okay, sir. Do not get angry. If you don't think that thing on your shoulders is a dog, then so be it." With that, the first crook walked away. The Brahmin thought he was mad!! There was no dog on his shoulders, there was a plump goat!!

The Brahmin hadn't even walked for a kilometre, when the second crook walked up to him. "Oh My God!! How can such a reputed priest hold a dead calf on his shoulders?! This is too much!!! Don't you know that it is a sin to kill a cow?!" The second crook pestered the Brahmin. Infuriated, the Brahmin shouted, "Are you a fool?! Can't you see that this is a proper goat?! Are you going mad, or am I going mad?!!" The Brahmin clenched his fists in anger. He marched off, leaving the second crook to himself.

As soon as he could see his house, the Brahmin was confronted by the third crook, "Sir, you are a very strange man. Why do you carry a donkey on your shoulders?! It brings misfortune." The Brahmin lifted the goat off his shoulders and examined it. He was bewildered!! Three people had said that the animal wasn't a goat, and it was a different animal!! He left the goat on the floor and started to shiver, " O God, what have I done to deserve this? Three people have told me that this goat is a different animal! I think this is a supernatural being!! O Lord, relieve me of this!!" He then dropped the goat on the grassy floor and ran back to his hut. The three crooks, who were stalking him as he walked, came and caught the goat as it tried to run away. Lifting the goat in their hands, the three crooks laughed to themselves, as they tricked the Brahmin into giving up the goat, and giving them a hearty dinner. They all walked back to their den, joyfully singing a harikathe about their cunning and their wit. They had a hearty meal. The tale of their wit and skill lived on for generations to come…

Moral: Bookish knowledge won't get you anywhere unless you have common sense.

Thanks for reading my take on the Story of the Brahmin and the Crooks!!! Please follow with your email and click the blue follow button to receive emails about my posts!!!!!!!


  1. Very nice Pradyun I didn't know this story good learning for me today. Thank you waiting for more 😀

  2. Nice story Pradyun What I know is little bit different from this though the story line is same.Any way nice to recollect the stories. Keep posting more

  3. Very nice narration Pradyun :) you make it so interesting to read the story :) way to go Pradyun!!!!

    - Raksha :)


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