Friday, April 17, 2020

The Slaying of Kamsa...

Hi! Yesterday, I had posted a quiz about the Ramayana. I got lots of answers, but there could only be one winner. The winner was Smrithi Sudhakar!! Congratulations Smrithi!! 

Smrithi Sudhakar is a Bharatnatyam dancer.  She recently danced as Kamsa in the Bharatnatyam stage production of the life of Krishna, NandaLaala. It was a sight to behold! She is currently a student of Smt. Anita Guha. 

These were the answers to the quiz:

Question 1: Shabari

Question 2, Part 1: Vriksharaja

Question 2, Part 2: Indra

Question 3: Goddess Lakshmi

Question 4: Rishi Pulastya

Question 5: 8 siblings, namely: Kubera, Vibhisana, Kumbhakarna, Khara, 
 Dushana, Ahiravana, Khumbini, Shoorpanaka

Question 6: 6

Question 7: 7

Question 8: He asked for the throne of Indra, and got half a year's sleep.

Question 9:Nagapash

 Today I'll be telling the story of how Krishna killed Kamsa. Let's go...

Kamsa was an evil king. He was a demon! Once, on the wedding day of his sister - Devaki - Kamsa heard a prophecy. The eighth son of Devaki was to kill him! Kamsa was enraged! He drew his sword, and was ready to kill his sister on the spot! Vasudev, Devaki's husband, pleaded to Kamsa, "Please don't kill Devaki! Put us in jail, then." So Kamsa put Devaki and Vasudev in prison. As each baby was born, Kamsa stole them from Devaki's arms and smashed their little heads against the stone prison wall...

Fast forward to the last baby being born. Vishnu came in the form of a baby and made sure that his head wasn't made into CHUTNEY! He got all of the guards to sleep, so that they couldn't alert Kamsa. Then the baby spoke to Vasudev, "O Vasudev, I am Lord Vishnu. I have come in the form of your baby. Outside is my snake, Sheshnag, who is ready to transport us. We must go to Nanda, in Gokul." Vasudev's chains snapped off instantly! He ran out of the prison cell, with the baby in a basket. Sheshnag covered them from the pouring deluge in front of them. They got to Gokul, and gave the baby to Nanda.

Fast forward no.2: Kamsa grows his empire, and marries the daughters of Jarasandha. Krishna lives happily in Gokul, slaughtering demon after demon, all of them being sent by Kamsa. He danced with the Gopi's, he stole his mom's butter and gleefully ate it. He strolled with the cows, and took them to graze. Life was all going well, until Kamsa sent an invitation to Krishna. It wasn't just any invitation, noo.  It was an invite to a wrestling bout! Kamsa's two right-hand men(okay, two right hands might be weird), Mushtika and Chanura were participating in the tournament. They were the most decorated wrestlers in Mathura! Kamsa had very good insurance, 'cos his father-in-law, Jarasandha, could order an attack against anyone who dares to take on his son-in-law...

The brawl was already in full swing when Krishna and Balarama arrived. Kamsa had Mushtika and Chanura breaking others' bones, smashing others' skulls, and bashing their bodies until blood oozed out of their wounds!! Krishna and Balarama had a grand entrance, with by-standers chanting their name, "Krishna! Krishna! Balarama! Balarama!" This chant enraged Kamsa, "WHO DARES TO SAY HIS NAME!!!!! WHOEVER EVEN WHISPERS HIS NAME, SHALL HAVE THEIR BODY DRAWN AND QUARTERED!!!!" The room fell silent. The two teenage boys strolled into the main area. Kamsa's eyes widened, "Aaaah, so it is you who have come to slay me, is it?" Krishna gave a small nod, and said, "Whoever would like to challenge us may do so. Just be prepared for the nightmare you're about to see..." Kamsa roared in laughter, "HAHAHA!!! You puny kids want anyone to take you on? Well, in that case, MUSHTIKA!!! CHANURA!!! Come here!!!!" He bellowed. The room changed its alliance, and started screaming the home team's names, "Mushtika!!! Chanura!! Mushtika!!! Chanura!!!" Balarama looked nervous, "Bro, I don't like this.." Krishna replied, " Chill, yaar! don't worry! we'll beat them into pulp..." They got into the wrestling pit. Kamsa shouted, "FIGHT!!!" And the match began. 

Each team threw excruciatingly painful blows at each other, but neither seemed to withdraw. Each swipe was more devastating than the last.
Finally, Balarama gave a gut-wrenching blow to Mushtika's ribs. Mushtika fell, wailing in pain. Krishna did the same to Chanura, and the same fate fell to him. The room had an awkward silence come over it, like a misty fog, settling down upon the viewers. Suddenly, the whole room uproared in celebration. They had finally found a new champion duo!!!
Kamsa was as angry as a raging bull. He roared like a lion, and bounded into the pit, "Well, let's see how strong you are alone then, Madhusudana!!!"

 Krishna pushed Balarama out of the pit. "Bro, you'll be okay, right?" asked Balarama. " I told you, chill! I've got this..." The battle ensued. Kamsa and Krishna fought like bears, pounding each other with their fists, bashing each other with their feet and head-butting each other into the dusty, brown mud. Blood flowed out of gory, nasty wounds, which were tanned with mud."SMACK!!" Krishna dealt a fatal blow to Kamsa's ribs. Kamsa spit out crimson blood, gasping for air. He stared at Krishna angrily and charged at him. Krishna jumped into the air and landed on Kamsa's chest. Blood splattered across the room. The body of Kamsa was still. Eerily still. " Bro, you did it!" shouted Balarama. Krishna said, "Just to be safe," and elbowed Kamsa's blood-soaked skull. Even more oozed out. " There we go," Krishna added. The whole room(let alone Mathura) uproared in delight. The reign of terror was finally over! The dreaded demon Kamsa had been killed! Krishna smiled and walked out of the room, with Balarama following behind. "Nice one, bro," said Balarama. " No worries," Krishna replied. They both walked back to Gokul, viewing the beautiful setting sun. Krishna was happy. He joyfully said, "I don't need any prize for the bout. This Sun is all I need. What a sight to behold!" Balarama also said, "I agree, brother." They laughed and strolled back to Gokul, with the setting sun to guide them.

Thanks for reading my take on the Slaying of Kamsa!! Follow my blog to receive updates on when I post!!


  1. Super writing Pradyun :) your interactive way of blogging is simply superb :)

    - Raksha

    1. Thank You Raksha Moushi!!!! Thanks for following me!!!

  2. Thank you for sharing this story Pradyun. Very well written as always :).

    1. Thank You Hayavadan Chikkappa!!!!! Thanks for following me!!!!!!

  3. Pradyun good one bro πŸ˜‹ keep more stories coming πŸ˜€

    1. Thank You Kruthika!!!! Please follow for more updates on my posts

  4. Pradyun good one bro πŸ˜‹ keep more coming loving your stories πŸ˜€

  5. Super Pradyun. U r able to tell the story in detail.
    Keep it up. All the best.

    1. Thank you Murthy Thatha!!!!!! Please follow to get updates on my posts!!!!!


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