Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Story of Krishna and Sudhama...

Hi!! You all must know the story of Krishna, right? Even if you haven't, you might have heard a brief rendition of Krishna's life, isn't it? Today, I'll be telling the story of Krishna and Sudhama. I had never heard this story until a few days back, when my mom suggested that I should write the story of Krishna and Sudhama. When I heard it, I decided that I would do this story. Here we go...

Long ago, around the end of Dwapara yoga (maybe 5000 years ago!!), there once lived someone called Krishna. He was a GOD!!! He was the god of compassion and love. When he became an adult, he ruled a place called Dwaraka(That's another story for later!!!). It was a beautiful, prospering city (What could you expect, Krishna ruled the place!! It would have been like the New York City of their time!!) But this story doesn't start in Dwaraka, nooo. It started long ago, when Krishna was a small boy of twelve, and just after the fateful incident, when he killed his arch-nemesis, Kamsa. He was living in a small town called Gokul. His foster father, Nanda, who was the chief of the village, admitted that Krishna needed to get an education. So, Krishna and his foster father went in search of a teacher for Krishna.

They found a gurukul which was run by a sage called Sandipani. When Nanda asked Sandipani about Krishna's admission, he said that Krishna could start the next day!
When Krishna started the next day, he found out that Sandipani was a very strict teacher. Then, he felt nervous. His head started to feel heavy. His stomach felt funny. He was about to break but just then, another young boy sat next to him. "Hi! I'm Sudhama! Are you fine?" the boy asked. "Hi. I'm Krishna. I'm fine, thank's for asking." Sudhama realized that it was Krishna's first day, "Don't worry, I'll help you! The first week is always tough." Krishna smiled a cheerful smile at Sudhama, and Sudhama did the same. That's how an everlasting friendship began to grow...

Sudhama and Krishna were the best of friends, despite the difference between their backgrounds. Even though there was such a contrast in the family, Krishna and Sudhama were besties!! No one expected a poor boy to be friends with the chief's son! After their studies, Sudhama and Krishna parted ways. Sudhama gets married, and lives a frugal life in Gokul, whereas Krishna goes on to achieve feats that no man had ever thought of. He goes on to marry Rukmini.

Later in life, Sudhama's family were in grave trouble. They didn't even have enough rice to feed themselves for a day! Sudhama went to a farm every day and stole vegetables from the earthen patches of the soil, without getting a lashing from the farmer, though he did get caught by the farmer, once or twice. But this poverty which Sudhama was facing was nothing but torture. It was the thorns laid down by God, on his path of life. Every night, he wept, looking at his kids, who were starving each day.
One night, Susheela(Sudhama's wife) wailed out in agony. She said dismally, " Sudhama, you once told me that you were a friend of Lord Krishna's. Can't you go and ask him for some food, let alone proper shelter? Our kids are begging for food. They will die if we don't intervene..." At first, Sudhama was apprehensive. Then, he slowly realised that he needed to reach Krishna to save his children's lives. 

Sudhama was to leave for Dwaraka the next evening. While getting ready to leave, he asked his wife to prepare some poha for the trip. She asked why, "It is all that we have left!" Sudhama responded, "I remember that Krishna's favourite snack was poha. I shall take it to him." So, Sudhama left on a very treacherous journey to the palace of Dwaraka. There were mountains, and boulders, and steep cliffs that looked as if they'd never end... there were steep canyons, with drops that looked endless.

At long last, Sudhama reached the palace. It had pillars of gigantic heights, with carvings of the gods which were painted in bright shades. It had balconies galore, which protruded out into the streets of Dwaraka. It had a huge gold door, which had emblems of multiple warriors. Sudhama went to the door. Two guards, who were dressed in beautiful clothes, thrust their spears in front of the door. Sudhama asked, "I wish to see Krishna. I am a good friend of his." One of the guards went inside. After a short time, he came out and whispered something to the other guard. Then, they opened the doors. You would not believe how glamorous it was on the inside!!!!! There was gold furniture and vibrant cushions. The walls were painted beautifully, with intricate designs. Sudhama was astonished! He had never seen anything like this in his entire life!! He strolled in, and started to get more captivated by the palace!! As he climbed up the stairs, he saw a door. It had a painting, which he recognized instantly. It was an old painting he and Krishna had done. He laughed to himself and knocked on the door. Within a few seconds, the door was opened. 

A dark blue figure stood in front of him. Then, he hugged Sudhama. Sudhama hugged him back. They both shed light tears, as friends had been reunited once more. Krishna asked Sudhama to come in and sit down. Sudhama was humbled by this kind gesture. He sat on a pillow-laden sofa, and Krishna asked him to wait for a second. A few minutes later, Krishna returned with a small, gold tub filled with water. He kept it at Sudhama's feet, and sat next to it. "You must be tired after your walk. From where did you come?" asked Krishna. "From Gokul," replied Sudhama. Krishna was shocked! "You walked all the way from Gokul! Just to see me?" Then he started to massage Sudhama's feet, and wash it with the water. Sudhama was thrilled to see that Krishna cared about him so much. He was going to ask for his support, when Rukmini(Krishna's wife) came out with fancy, royal clothes for Sudhama to wear. "You can't be seen in the palace in these old rags! Come, let's get you freshened up!"

Within minutes, Sudhama was transformed from a poverty-struck pauper into a royal!! Sudhama was ever so grateful to Krishna, "O Krishna, I have come here not only just to see you, but to ask you something. I have been struck by bankruptcy, and my children are starving. I have no money left. Will you please aid me?" pleaded Sudhama. "Of course!! After all, what are friends for?" Krishna promised that he would help Sudhama get back on his feet, but he didn't utter a word about help. When Sudhama opened a small rag full of the poha, Krishna pounced at the rag, "poha!! My favourite!! You still remember!!" he exclaimed. He munched it all up. Sudhama and he had a hearty conversation about life and their wives, how they constantly bug them (Hahaha!!!).

The day was coming to an end with the setting of the vermillion sun. Sudhama was ready to take Krishna's leave, but Krishna stopped him. "You must wear your rags," said Krishna. The whole room was shocked (Technically, Rukmini and Sudhama)!! "Why?" Krishna forced Sudhama to wear his rags. Sudhama felt depressed and felt like Krishna would never help him. "Will you help me, Krishna?" asked Sudhama. "Go home," said Krishna calmly. "My chariot is waiting to take you..." Sudhama stormed out of the palace doors. He got into the chariot, and the charioteer sped off into the distance. Krishna watched this whole drama from the safety of his balcony. He then ran into his room and locked the doors. He sat down and wept his heart out. He wailed in sorrow. Suddenly, Rukmini unlocked the door from the outside. "The key was outside, Krishna. What happened?" she asked. Krishna replied, sadly, "I have annoyed Sudhama. If Sudhama went wearing royal clothes, people would've said 'Look, only because he is the Lord's friend he got so much. But now since he left in the same state he came, the people will realise that what all I have given him is only because of his devotion."

Sudhama reached by the rising sun of the next day, and he couldn't believe his eyes!! His shaggy, old hut had been changed into a mansion!! Susheela and their children ran out and hugged Sudhama. Susheela said, "Look!!! We have such beautiful clothes!!!" Then, the children also added, "Father!! Father!! Look at our clothes!! Look at our toys!!" They danced about with glee, and once more hugged their father. Sudhama thought to himself, "Well, Krishna has a strange way of pleasing people!!" Then, they all ran back into their brand new mansion, with the blessings of Lord Krishna with them.

Moral of the story: Never expect anything free in life, God will provide for your good deeds

Thanks for reading my rendition of the story of Krishna and Sudhama!!! Please follow for new notifications on my posts!!!!


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