Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Story of Bheema and Hanuman's Tail...

Hi!!! Today's short story is from the Mahabharata. It's a story about why one should never be proud of themself. It's a fitting example of why the Pandava's were faltering most of the time, and then got enlightened by Lord Krishna's words. Let's go...

After the fateful gambling game played by Yudhistira and Shakuni, the Pandava's had lost everything, even their homes!! They were sentenced to 13 years of exile, and one year of anonymity (which means they had to live their last year hiding from the Kauravas, being anonymous). The Pandava's had embarked on their journey to the Unknown, when Draupadi (The Pandava's wife) saw a wondrous sight!! There was a magical lotus, flying in the air! It had golden petals, with a stem of vibrant colours. The flower danced in the air, and attracted Draupadi. "O husbands, look at that beautiful flower! It looks so lovely!! Can any one of you go and fetch it for me, please?" 

The five Pandavas turned towards the flower, and were astonished by its beauty! "Wow! Look at it! How charming!" They all exclaimed. Suddenly, Nakula proclaimed, "I shall be the one to get the flower for Draupadi." "No, I shall!" shouted Arjuna. "No, I will get the flower!" Shouted Sahadeva. Then, all of the brothers broke into a fight about who should get the flower. After a long time, Draupadi intervened, " STOP!!! I shall decide who gets the flower for me. He should be the one most capable, if anything harmful comes his way. He should be a very strong man. I choose......... Bheema!" Bheema cheered in celebration. He stuck his tongue out to all of his brothers, "Llll!! I won! I won! HaHaHa!!!" Bheema strode off into the denser part of the forest.

As Bheema wandered through the forest, he came across an odd-looking tree. There was a small clearing next to the tree. He had to go that way, because the flower was hovering right above the clearing. But in his way, there was an old-looking animal, sleeping facing away from Bheema, with its tail covering the whole area. "O animal, let me pass! Do you know who I am? I am the strongest man alive!! I am Bheema!!" howled Bheema to the animal. The animal just replied, "I am a monkey, call me like that!!HaHaHa!!" Bheema was outraged. "HEY!!!! DO YOU HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR ME? I am the strongest man alive!!!!!" he bellowed. The monkey casually added, "If you're so strong, then lift my tail and go!" he chuckled. Then, Bheema was infuriated. He accepted the challenge gleefully.

Bheema bent down to pick up the chalky-furred tail. His hand felt the bottom of the fluffy tail, and tried lifting it up. "Hhhhhhhmmmmmpppphhhh!!!!!!!" It didn't move. He tried again. "Hhhhhhhmmmmmpppphhhh!!!!!!!" It didn't budge. He tried once more. "Hhhhhhhmmmmmpppphhhh!!!!!!!" He was confused. It was a normal monkey, with a normal tail. "What sorcery is this, monkey?" he asked angrily. "This is no magic, brother." said the monkey. Bheema was astonished, "Brother? Who are you?" he asked. The monkey turned to Bheema's side and showed his face. "I am Hanuman, one of the sons of Vayu - the Wind God. You are one of them, too," said the monkey. Bheema was amazed! He thought that the only brothers he had were the Pandavas! Hanuman got up and embraced his half brother (because their mothers were different). Bheema felt happy. He, too, hugged Hanuman. 

"You are a very proud fellow, Vrikodhara. You are a little bit too proud. You boast too much about your strength. You are an arrogant fool. Change your attitude and be a kinder person." exclaimed Hanuman. Bheema changed his facial expression from joyful, to sad. "I accept your words, O brother. I shall change myself and become a better person. Thank you, Anjaneya." said Bheema. "O Bheema, if you do keep up your word, I shall aid your soldiers in the war you're going to have against the Kauravas." Bheema was overjoyed. They embraced each other, and Bheema ran back to the troop of Pandavas waiting, as a changed man.

Moral: Arrogance and pride will end your life

Thanks for reading my rendition of Bheema and Hanuman's Tail!!! Please follow for updates about my posts!!!


  1. Wow superb language and indeed a nice story Pradyun!!!! Keep it going :) :)

    - Raksha

  2. Good one pradyun πŸ˜€ waiting for more πŸ˜€


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