Thursday, May 21, 2020

Bravhearts: Krishnadeva Raya - part 1

Hi there!! Today's story is about the illustrious king of the Vijayanagar Empire, Krishnadeva Raya. He ruled the kingdom from 1509 to 1529, making reach the zenith of its glory. Let's go…

The Vijayanagar Empire, founded in 1336, rose to the zenith of its prosperity in the early sixteenth century. Keeping their capital in modern-day Hampi, the Empire ruled nearly half of India. They ruled the whole Deccan Plateau and more. They even rivalled the Mughals in stature!! Some might even say that they ruled India!!
In 1509, Viranarasimha Raya, the King of Vijayanagar fell seriously ill. Many thought that he wouldn't survive. His condition was growing worse by the day. In the capital, people wondered who would succeed him. There were many debates and disputes over the topic, but there was never a proper answer. Some would say, "The king may nominate his little son!! After all, he is the rightful heir to the throne!!" Whereas others would also say," Never!! Not when his brother, the able Krishnadeva is alive!!" But, the same answer would be reached time and again, "Our king knows what is best for our kingdom." No one could pinpoint who would be Viranarasimha's successor.
But at the moment, the king was more concerned about what was best f0r his son. Resting on his deathbed, with fruits and jewels laid on the small tables, Viranarasimha uttered to Thimmrasu, his most-trusted minister, "Will you fulfil my last wish, Appaji?" (Thimmarasu was lovingly called Appaji by the king) Thimmarasu bowed to his king and replied, "Speak out, Your Majesty. I am ready do to anything you command me to." Viranarasimha closed his eyes and sat up, "My son will never be king if Krishnadeva is alive. He must die. Promise me that you will kill him, Appaji. Please do this for me." Viranarasimha clasped his hands around Thimmarasu's and tried standing up. He faltered and within seconds, his legs gave way. He fell to the ground. Breathing heavily, Viranarasimha whispered, "Appaji! As proof that you've killed him, I'd like his eyes shown to me tomorrow." Thimmarasu was aghast by the king's request. But he had no choice.

When Thimmarasu walked down the stairs, he met Krishnadeva. He ran to him and whispered, "Krishna, are you prepared to die for the king? He has requested that you shall be murdered tomorrow." Krishnadeva wasn't perturbed. He just smiled," Appaji, don't fret. I shall most certainly abide by the king's request. He is my kingdom and I am prepared to die for my kingdom!!"
Thimmarasu spent a horribly sleepless night. He was brooding over the king's decision to kill his own brother. But, he was even more troubled by Krishnadeva's will to die for the king. He couldn't sleep at all. His head was aching from such a troubling experience. He sat on his bed in dismay, for he had to see one of his favourite men, and the possible their to the throne, die.
Early the next morning, before the blazing sun cast its sharp rays onto the earth, Thimmarasu called Krishnadeva outside his chambers.  Krishnadeva was oblivious of why Thimmarasu had called him. He just walked along with him until they reached a horse, laden with commoners' clothes. Krishnadeva was confused, "Appaji, what is this? Please tell me." Thimmarasu just said, "Change into these common clothes." Krishnadeva changed into the clothes and then asked Thimmarasu, "Now will you tell me?" Thimmarasu finally broke, "You must take this horse and leave the capital." Krishnadeva was shocked!! "Appaji, what it this?!" Thimmarasu just said, "I'll tell you some other time. Now, make haste and remember: No one should know who you are and where you come from!!" Krishnadeva mounted the horse and proclaimed, "You can trust me, Appaji." With that, Krishnadeva left the capital.

Krishnadeva travelled the state incognito. He went to many places and stayed at many homes, hoping to find somewhere he could permanently stay. One day, when he was travelling, he came across a temple. It was beautiful, with amazing carvings of many gods on gold pillars. He entered and saw many people sitting in rows. He wondered why they were sitting there, and looked forward. He saw a beautiful dancer, wearing many jewels and gems. She was dancing so pleasantly. He thought to himself, "Wah!! What a divine beauty!!! She looks like a lotus that has just blossomed!" Krishnadeva was entranced by her beauty.
After the dance, Chinnadevi (her name was Chinnadevi, by the way) called Krishnadeva to the temple balcony. She was very inquisitive, "What is your name? Why are you here? Why don't you go home?" Krishnadeva just replied with a similar answer to the one before, "I have no name. I am a traveller. I have nowhere to go," Chinnadevi stared at him with compassion. She cared for him quite a lot. She told him, "Come to my house. I'll give you shelter." Krishnadeva was very grateful to Chinnadevi. She had provided with a home!!
Chinnadevi took Krishnadeva to her home. "Amma!! This man has no home. I have brought him here!!" Chinnadevi's mother was an old lady, who looked very simple and traditional. She said, "Putta, If you have no home, then make this your home." So, Krishna deva stayed at Chinnadevi's house.
Krishnadeva's stay at Chinnadevi's house didn't last long. He only stayed there for a few days. Chinnadevi and her mother didn't know why he had stayed for only such little time!!

Meanwhile, in the capital, the subjects were aghast!!! They were shocked about the disappearance of the prince!! They were shocked!! Viranarasimha only knew that Thimmarasu had killed Krishnadeva, but he didn't know the truth. Only Thimmarasu truly knew what had happened to Krishnadeva. Many people thought that Krishnadeva was dead!! Many others thought that he was missing in the forest!!
The news of Viranarasimha's illness and Krishnadeva's disappearance reached Gulbarga, the capital of the Bahmani Empire. Mahmood Shah, the Bahmani king, was elated, "HaHaHa!!! Now is the time to attack Vijayanagar and make it ours!!!!" Many courtiers and ministers advised the king against it, "What if Krishnadeva comes back?" Mahmood Shah would laugh at their advice. He would reply, "We shall take advantage of Krishnadeva's inexperience!"
A few days later, Viranarasimha got wind of the Bahmani attack. He was afraid, "God!! I must lead my army!!" Thimmarasu was right by his kings side. Suddenly, Viranarasimha fell on his knees in pain. Thimmarasu ran to his aid, "My king!! You aren't fit enough to even walk a few steps!!" Viranarasimha sat back on his deathbed and sighed, "Alas! If only Krishnadeva were alive!!!" Thimmarasu smiled and thought to himself, "Now is the time to bring back Krishnadeva," Thimmarasu explained to the king about how he made Krishnadeva escape the city and how he has been incognito. Viranarasimha was elated!!! He immediately summoned a search party for Krishnadeva.
The next day, Krishnadeva was in the king's room. Viranarasimha's condition had worsened. Viranarsimha begged Krishnadeva for forgiveness. Krishnadeva only replied, "Let bygones be bygones, Your Majesty."
Krishnadeva was talking to the king, when, "Krishna… Krishna… Eeeh…" Suddenly, the king's hand fell from his grasp. He breathed his last breath.

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