Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Avatars of Lord Vishnu: Hayagreeva vs Hayagriva

Hi there!! First of all, I'd like to make a disclaimer: I have differentiated the names of Hayagriva and Hayagreeva. Hayagriva - Asura and Hayagreeva - God. Today's story is about the Asura king, Hayagriva and his namesake slayer, Hayagreeva. Hayagreeva was an avatar of Lord Vishnu, who is depicted as a horse with the body of a man. Sometimes, he is compared to Balarama in the Dashavatar. Let's get on with the story, then…

In his quest for eternal life, an Asura king called Hayagriva believed that if he prayed to the Holy Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) for the amrut (the Nectar of Immortality), they would certainly try and outwit and kill him. He knew that the Trinity could kill him if need be, so he decided to pray to Goddess Shakti. Shakti was considered the divine and cosmic energy.
Hayagriva prayed for many, many, MANY years, with all hope to see Shakti. He worshipped her with absolute love and care, performing poojas and yajnas to please Shakti. He was devoted to her. With focus, he performed a great penance for Shakti.
After many weeks, Shakti appeared in front 0f Hayagriva. Bowing down, Hayagriva said, " Namaskara, O Shakti. Your mere presence is enough to enlighten me. " Shakti nodded and lifted her hand. She blessed Hayagriva," Hello, Hayagriva. I have been pleased by you. What is it that you desire?" Hayagriva chuckled. He smiled a vicious smile, "I desire the Nectar of Immortality, the amrut!!" Shakti was shocked!! She didn't think that Hayagriva would ask for the amrut!! Suddenly, she said, "Hayagriva!! The nectar of immortality is not for the likes of you. I have seen what you will do when you possess the amrut. I deny you of your wish," Hayagriva roared with anger. He couldn't think of anything else that he wanted. Suddenly, an idea sparked in his head, "I wish to be killed only by someone who has the same name as me, and who has a god's body and a horse's head!" Shakti smiled and said, "Thatha Astu!!!" With that, Shakti flew off to the skies, leaving Hayagriva.

Hayagriva was convinced that this was as good as being immortal, for he didn't think that a creature such as he described existed! Believing he would never die, the clever Asura continued his evil ways, slaughtering all who stood in his path. He routed petty kingdoms and brought them under his reign. He inflicted horrid cruelties on traitors with force and vigour.
The brutal king's subjects suffered heavy losses and were forced to toil. They spoke to each other, "How can there be a being with the same name, a god's body and a horse's head of Hayagriva? He can't die!!" Finally, the people rushed to Brahma for assistance.
Brahma, who was resting on his lotus, saw the mad crowd and eased them with his powers. They slowly told him, "O Brahma, we can't live with Hayagriva as the king. Please save us from his tyranny!!" Brahma had nothing to offer them. He had no solution!! So, the people and Brahma went to see Shiva, who again had nothing.
Together, they all marched to Lord Vishnu. When they reached the Lord's abode, they found a standing Vishnu fast asleep!! He was so tired after many battles with the Asuras, that he had fallen asleep standing and still holding his bow, Saranga, in his hand.
Brahma was reluctant to wake Vishnu, but he had no choice. He clapped his hands loudly. Vishnu didn't wake up. Shiva also joined the clapping. But, Vishnu didn't rise!! Soon, the whole crowd were clapping, until it sounded like a million tons were being beaten!!! But, Vishnu didn't wake up (Sounds like Vishnu was a heavy sleeper!! He must have taken a few sleeping pills to sleep through that noise!!!)!!!! Finally, Brahma found a solution. He could cut the string of the bow, making a louder sound than anything ever!!! So, he created a colony of chalk white ants, He thought the ants could eat the string, and make the noise when it snapped. But he was mistaken. Mistaken BADLY!!!!!!

The ants ate up the thread in the blink of an eye, and the bow opened up with so much force, that KCCCHHHAAAAAKKKK!!!!!!! Vishnu's head was rolling on the floor, with blood oozing from the bottom!!!!! Brahma and Shiva were not prepared for this!! They ran about in terror, and so did the people. Suddenly, a HUGE ruckus was going on at Vishnu's abode (I can't imagine what Vishnu's neighbours would have to say!!)!!! Slowly, Brahma and Shiva regained their composure, but were still in alarm. They prayed to Shakti to fix what they had done.
Shakti appeared before them and calmly said, "Don't fret. Vishnu will be fine!" The two gods were in shock!!! They didn't understand!! They had just cut off Vishnu's head!! How could he be fine?! Shakti then explained, "One day, Vishnu and Lakshmi were speaking to each other. Suddenly, Vishnu started taunting her, 'O Lakshmi!! Look at your relatives - Your father is the sea, but no one even drinks a sip of his salty water, and what to say about your brothers, who emerged along with your from the sea? Chandra stays healthy for two weeks and then falls sick then next, Halahala made the Great Shiva turn blue, Amrut caused a great war, and Ucchaishravas, your seven-headed horse brother, is constantly galloping around!! HaHa!!' Lakshmi was deeply offended. She replied, "How could you say that, Vishnu? The world survives because of my father, Chandra lights up the Earth during the night, Shiva was able to save the world because of his blue throat, Amrut made the gods obtain immortality and everyone adores horses because of Ucchaishravas. Someday, you will know how it is like to be a horse,' So, Lakshmi cursed Vishnu to become a horse. He was predestined to become this way." Shiva and Brahma then understood, "Oooohh!!!!!" Shakti walked into Vishnu's garden and, picking up her glistening sword, cut off a white horse's head!! She dragged the blood-stained head over to Vishnu's still-standing body, and lifted the horsehead onto Vishnu's body. She proclaimed, "You are now named Hayagreeva. You shall destroy your namesake Asura and come back victorious," Hayagreeva neighed in agreement and set off to kill Hayagriva.

Hayagreeva ran into Hayagriva's palace and bashed Hayagriva's head on the wall. BASH!!!! He banged his mace into the chest of Hayagriva. BANG!!!!! Finally, he jumped onto Hayagriva's body and severed his head from his body. All of the workers started jumping in joy, as the tyrant had been killed. The monster had been defeated. They frolicked with joy, as their kingdom was free from the terrible reign of Hayagriva.
Hayagreeva flew back to Vaikunta and went to his abode. Suddenly, the horse's head fell off, and Vishnu's normal head flew back onto his neck. All of the people there, including Shiva and Brahma, bowed to Hayagreeva. They bowed to their saviour.
Thus, Hayagreeva killed Hayagriva and saved the people.

Fun Fact Nº 1: There is even a lentil-based sweet named Hayagreeva, which is dedicated to Vishnu's slaying of Hayagriva.

Fun Fact Nº 2: Before he meditated, Saint Vadiraja used to make the Hayagreeva sweet and keep it on his head in a vessel. By the time he finished, Lord Vishnu in the form of a horse would come and eat it all up! He did this in the Tapovana Forest.

Thanks for reading Avatars of Vishnu: Hayagreeva vs Hayagriva!! Please type your email in the box above the followers and click the blue button to receive emails about my posts!!!! Happy Reading!!!


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