Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Story of The Mice that ate Iron…

Hi!! Today's story is about a man, who had given his iron balance to his friend, and how he was about to get duped! The rest is for you to read. Let's go…

A long, long time ago, during the time of the kings and queens, there once was a kind and simple merchant. His name was Naduk. He lived a very austere life, only waking up to trade, and only sleeping to get rest. Somedays, he would deprive himself of food, just because he had not done good trade that day! He was a very steadfast man, and believed in what was right, and the truth. His stall in the bazaar would prosper, with men and women bustling about. His life was amazing!! But, one day, a new merchant came into the bazaar. His stall had so many different things!! He had jams from Persia, he had jellies from Turkey, and he even had armour from Rome!!! His stall became an instant hit! Nobody would come to Naduk's stall. He would sit on his brown leather chair, day after day, as people passed his stall. Soon, because he didn't trade anything, he lost all the money left with him! What's worse, was that he didn't only lose his money, but he even fell in debt!!! What little possessions that he had were used to pay off his debts. Within a few days, he had nothing!!! The only object that he had was a useless iron balance.

Naduk decided to seek fortune in another city and set off within a few days. But, before leaving town, Naduk wanted to meet his old friend, Bondu.
Early the next day, Naduk went to Bondu's house and told him about what had happened. Bondu understood his plight and proclaimed his support. Naduk was assured. They chatted and laughed through the day, about current affairs and life without Naduk's stall.
When it was time to go, Naduk asked Bondu, " I have an iron balance with me. It is of no use, but its value… Ohh!! You could buy a house with that thing. Alas, it is of no use to me. I ask you to keep it safe until I come back." Bondu was surprised!! He eyed the iron balance, as though it could change his life. "Yeah, yeah. I can do that! No problem!!" He smiled a sinister smile. He considered that Naduk's leaving was a blessing to him.
Naduk left the iron balance with him, and set off to seek his fortune anew.

Naduk travelled for years, far and wide, working so hard! He started his trade business anew. He worked with spices, which were in huge demand! He soon became loaded with money!! He became rich!!! His pockets were jam-packed with coins and notes. He spent his money wisely, buying only what he needed. He travelled in lovely chariots, with gold cravings inscribed on the brass walls. He lived in parallel to a king!!! Soon, he realised that his heart lay in his old city. He rushed over there with pomp and settled there, buying a huge mansion on the outskirts of the city, and a MASSIVE shop, right in the heart of the city. He became an instant celeb (Imagine a tuxedo-wearing, sports car-having Christiano Ronaldo of that time!!!)!!! He lived a life of luxury, but soon realised that he had left an iron balance at his best friend's (Bondu) place!! He progressed to Bondu's little hut and rapped the door, "Hey Bondu?! I'm back!!!" Bondu, oblivious of the fact that Naduk had come back, was scared, "Oh my god!! Naduk's back!!! What will he ask of the balance?! Oh no!! What do I tell him?!" Bondu opened the door and greeted Naduk heartily. They talked about their life and stuff. When Naduk stated that it was time to leave, he asked Bondu about his iron balance. Little did he know, but his iron balance had been sold by Bondu!!!! "Ummm… Uhhh… The… The mice ate it!! Yes!!! I am so sorry, but the mice ate your iron balance." Naduk was not a fool. He knew what had happened. After all, could mice ever eat iron? Naduk asked Bondu to send his son over to the mansion to collect some gifts that he had got from his travels. Bondu happily agreed. 

As Naduk got home and freshened up, Bondu's son arrived. He knocked on the door and suddenly, Naduk swung open the door, and grabbed the poor boy's neck. "AAAHHH!!!!!" The boy screamed in pain. Naduk thrust him into a cupboard, and locked the door hastily. The boy banged on the door, trying to get out, but in vain. The lock was too strong for the kid to break. Naduk laughed to himself. He went about his daily work, thinking that there was no one but him.
Bondu was getting confused. Just to pick up gifts, his son had gone for so long!! "Hmmm… I don't know what to do… Should I go and get him?! Or should I wait?!" Bondu debated with his mind.
Finally, he went over to Naduk's. Banging the door, he heard a noise. He could hear a banging sound. He rapped on the doors continuously. Naduk answered the door slowly. He asked, "Hey Bondu, what happened? Are you okay?!" Bondu didn't reply. He just stormed into the mansion and started shouting his son's name. No one replied. There was just a continuous banging noise. Then, Bondu screamed, "WHERE'S MY SON!!!!" Naduk pretended to cry, " Oh, I'm sorry, Bondu. A huge hawk came in here and swooped off with your son. I'm so sorry," Bondu was infuriated. A hawk couldn't come a swoop off with a manly boy!!! He slapped Naduk, "WHERE'S MY SON, YOU FOOL!!!!" Naduk refused to tell him, just adding little details about how 'the hawk' took his son.

Bondu pleaded Naduk to tell him where is his son. Finally, Naduk took Bondu to the attic. It was dusty and dark, with cobwebs spewing from all directions. The banging sound grew into a huge bang accompanied by a scream! Bondu rushed towards the sound, "Son?!  SON!! Are you here!!" He could hear more banging and screaming. He grit his teeth and asked Naduk where is his son. Naduk just said, "If mice can eat iron, then a hawk can carry a boy away," he unlocked the door and the boy ran and hugged his father, "Father!! Father!! This man locked me in the cupboard!!" Bondu stared at Naduk with his sorrowful eyes. "I'm sorry, Naduk. Please forgive me of my lies. I shall pay back the value of the iron balance" Naduk was forgiving. He allowed Bondu to take his son back and pay off the value. Thus, Naduk and Bondu lived a good life thereafter…

Moral: What goes around, comes around. A lie never goes undetected

Reading is a lovely habit!! Happy reading!!! Please follow with your email and click the blue button to get emails about my posts!!!!!


  1. Very good narration Pradyun ☺ you make it so interesting all the time :)!

    - Raksha:)

  2. Very nice Pradyun loved the Ronaldo touch


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