Saturday, May 23, 2020

Bravehearts: Krishnadeva Raya - part 3

Hi!! Today's story is about how Krishnadeva Raya tricks Pratapa Rudra, the Kinng of Kalinga, into letting him take his kingdom and more. Let's go…

Krishnadeva Raya shot the arrow right into the grain storage. Many of the soldiers wanted to save the grain, but some others said that they should fight. Pratapa Rudra's men were in a tizzy!!!
In the chaos that followed, Krishnadeva Raya and his army entered the fort and effortlessly took it. They celebrated their win with a huge feast.

At Potanur, Pratapa Rudra was worried. He was very tensed about Krishnadeva Raya's power. "He is now like a tiger that has tasted human blood. He will not stop until I have been defeated," he said. But, his ministers assured all the time, "O King, don't worry!! The sixteen neighbouring chieftains have given us their alliance. They will be an asset to us!!" 
The sixteen loyal chieftains soon arrived at Potanur. They marched through Potanur with their HUGE armies. They made the Potanur army look like an ant in front of their collective strength. They made the Potanur soldiers gaze in awe. Their huge armies and their massive regiments made the citizens of Potanur run in fear.
Soon, the chieftains arrived at Pratapa Rudra's palace. He greeted them with splendour and pizzazz, "We admire your courage and loyalty to the throne of Kalinga," said the king. The chieftains proclaimed, "Let alone Krishnadeva Raya, not even an earthquake can shake us from that fort!! We shall beat up Krishnadeva Raya and send his running back to the hollow he came from!!" Pratapa Rudra partied with the chieftains and won their trust.

Soon, Krishnadeva Raya reached Potanur. But, he didn't know of the special methods that Pratapa Rudra had made.
He had sent many of his soldiers around the fort to lure the Vijayanagar army around the fort so that the main attack would loosen. But, Krishnadeva Raya was not so gullible. He made sure that men were focussing on the front side of the fort. The charge was unexpected by Pratapa Rudra, who countered with an enormous regiment. This continued for days. Then weeks. Then months!!! The fight nearly lasted a few hundred days!! Krishnadeva was very annoyed. He told Thimmarasu, "Appaji, the battle has been going on for hundreds of days!! The fort is not yet ours, though. What can we do?" Thimmarasu stroked his beard and thought about a solution.
A few minutes later, Thimmarasu told the emperor, "Your Majesty, we must resort to stratagem!"
After the day's battle, Thimmarasu penned down a letter to his secret agent inside the fort! He then tied it to a homing pigeon and set it free. It flew and flew until it reached the agent inside the fort. He received it very quietly and secretly, without alerting any of the guards. "Hello, little one! And what have you here?" The agent plucked the letter off the pigeon's leg. He read in his head and exclaimed, "Ooohohh!! Let's go!! We have a lot of preparation to do!!"
That night, the secret agent met his accomplices and explained the mission to them. They immediately understood what had to be done and why. The secret agent whispered," We will carry out the operation late tomorrow night - when Pratapa Rudra is on his rounds!"

At midnight the next day, the secret agent and four of his associates came dressed up as simple workers and heaved huge, heavy boxes on their heads. They walked with the trunks on their heads, when suddenly a troupe of soldiers stopped them. "Hey!! Where are you going?!?! What's in those boxes?!?" The agents pretended to run back, but the guards thrust their spears in front of them. "You guys are coming with us!!" They said.
The guards escorted the agents to an army post, where they forcefully opened the chests. The guards were astounded!!! There were heaps and heaps of gold and diamonds!!! There were jewels and gems, coins and cash, and shining bits and bobs!!! The guards were shocked!!! Their eyes widened in awe. Suddenly, the head guard pulled one of the agents up by the collar shouted, "DIAMONDS!!! TO WHOM WERE THEY GOING TO?!?!? SPEAK UP!!!!!!" Soon, Pratapa Rudra rode his horse over to the commotion. He jumped off and asked the chief guard, "What is going on, I say?! I'm trying to do my rounds peacefully!!" Pratapa Rudra eyed the treasure and smiled. One of the guards acknowledged this and told the king, "Theses men brought a letter along with it," Pratapa Rudra snatched the letter from the hand of the chief guard and read it out loud, "Trusted friends, this is the second consignment. One more will be sent as soon as you accomplish your mission at the appointed time…" The guard butted in, "They won't tell what it is for or for whom these jewels are meant." Pratapa Rudra stared at the agents and said to the guards, "Make them talk…"
The agents were subjected to a hundred lashes from the whip!! After they were each slapped by the hard, leather whip, one of the agents broke!! He screamed, "MERCY!! MERCY!!!!! These gems are from Krishnadeva Raya and were to be given to the sixteen chieftains!!" Pratapa Rudra roared in anger, "AAAAAAHHH!!!!! THOSE TRAITORS!!! I'LL KILL THEM WITH MY BARE HANDS!!!!" But, Pratapa Rudra soon realised that discretion was the better part of valour. He thought to himself, "They are sixteen, and I am alone. I should run before they capture me and take me to Krishnadeva Raya."
Meanwhile, a guard came running to the chieftains. He explained that the King had received jewels that Krishnadeva Raya had sent for them. They were shocked!! "Nonsense!! Sheer nonsense!!!" They ran into a small, private tent and discussed, "Let us go to the king and explain!!" But, most others said, "What if he refuses to believe us?! Supposing he imprisons us? It would be prudent to escape while we can!!"
So, the sixteen so-called loyal chieftains quietly slipped away from the fort with their men. Pratapa Rudra was in ruins after he discovered that the chieftains had run away. Without his alliance, Pratapa Rudra was a sitting duck, just waiting for Krishnadeva Raya to capture his fort.
Krishnadeva Raya marched into Potanur triumphantly. Thimmarasu's ruse had finally paid off!!! Krishnadeva Raya captured Pratapa Rudra and sent him to prison. Krishnadeva Raya put the kingdom of Kalinga under the Vijayanagar map. To make a better peace treaty with Pratapa Rudra, he married the Princess of Kalinga, Jaganmohini, and put Pratapa Rudra back as the Governor of Kalinga.

In a short span of twenty years, Krishnadeva Raya defeated the kingdoms of Kalinga and Bijapur!! In 1529, Krishnadeva Raya suddenly died because of an untimely illness. Krishnadeva Raya brought the Vijayanagar Empire to be one of the greatest empires in the History of India. 

Thanks for reading Krishndeva Raya - part 3!!! Please type your email in the box above the followers and click the blue button to receive emails about my posts!!! Happy Reading!!!!

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