Thursday, June 11, 2020

Why are there so many Udupi Restaurants?

Hi there!! Today's story is a Kannada folk tale from the Mahabharata. In today's story, we will be talking about the history of why there are so many Udupi restaurants around the world. This story dates back to many, many years ago, when the great Kurukshetra War took place. Udupi restaurants are famous for their genuine South-Indian food. Many claim that Udupi food is so good, that it can be considered a separate cuisine to South-Indian!!
This story circulates around the ingenuity of the King of Udupi, who couldn't choose between the Pandavas and Kauravas. Anyways, let's get on with the story…

The Kurukshetra War was one of the most ultimate wars in history. It was considered the mother of all wars. It involved many, many warriors from many, many kingdoms. It even involved forces from China and the Middle East!! In total, there were about four and a half MILLION warriors and soldiers in the great war.
One of the kings hailed from Udupi, a coastal town in Karnataka. He had no alliances, for he fought no wars. So, he found it hard to choose a side to fight for. He could've fought for the righteous Pandavas, who had good ideals and values, or he could've fought for the ill-minded Kauravas, who sought only the fall of the Pandavas and were willing to go to any stretch to exterminate them (Like the Daleks in Doctor Who, EXTERMINATE!!! EXTERMINATE!!!!). But, the Udupi king couldn't choose. If he had participated in the war, then he would play no significant role: His army was very small, and they weren't as skilled as the ones of Hastinapur and Panchala. 
A few days before the war, the King of Udupi told Krishna, "I have made a decision on who to fight for." Krishna perked his ears. He wanted the Udupi army to join the Pandavas, as they would need all the help they can get. He exclaimed, "Go on, I'm listening, I'm listening!!" The Udupi King sighed and said, "The war is not petty. The soldiers fighting cannot go back to their homes and have a hearty meal and come back. This is the biggest war in history, for God's sake!!! Al; the warriors would have to camp here. But, there will be no-one to provide them with food. So, I have decided not to fight for either side. If you respect my wish, I would like to be the caterer to both the sides. I will provide them with food every day. And, after the day's fight is over, they shall sleep in peace with their bellies full." Krishna sighed. But, he understood why the King of Udupi made his choice. He said, " Okay. Anyways, we haven't appointed anyone to take care of our food. You may become the head chef for both the sides."

The marvellous war lasted for eighteen long days. Cooking for so many people was one of the biggest challenges of the war. It was, supposedly, slightly harder than the war itself!! If the Udupi King made too much food, then it would all go to waste. But, if he made too less, then some of the soldiers and warriors would have to fast!! And, a random number of people would die on one day, so the King of Udupi would have to estimate every day!!! So, it was all a game of eyeballing. But, the King of Udupi magically made just enough for each and every warrior!! He even took into account the people who wouldn't live to see another day!!! He didn't even waste one solitary grain of rice!!!
This marvellous cooking by the King of Udupi overwhelmed both sides of the war. The Pandavas and the Kauravas envied the King of Udupi, for he made the most delectable food they could've ever had!!! But, alas!!! The best food ever tasted was being served in the worst timing ever - in a war (What an irony, am I right?!)!!!! The King of Udupi used to toil every day, even though being provided with a thousand other cooks (Some would disagree, but in this case, the saying 'too many chefs spoil the broth' doesn't apply!! Even though there were one thousand cooks, the meals tasted divine!!)
Over the eighteen days, the King of Udupi made thousands of kilos of food, each tasting more delicious and flavourful than the next. Many soldiers claimed that they had never, ever, EVER had such delicious meals in their life!! They considered themselves to be blessed, as they got to try out the most tasty food ever!!

After the great war had ended, the Pandavas - Yudhistira, Bheema, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahdeva -  and Krishna came to talk with the King of Udupi. Astounded by his performance in the war, they blessed him with. But, the Pandavas still wondered how he had managed to make so much food - and make sure that not even a grain of rice or a chunk of potato ever went to waste!!!! They asked him, "O King, you were tasked with one of the most impossible tasks in a war. But, how did you manage to cook the perfect amount every day?! How did you know who would've died, and how much to prepare every day?! We are still stumped; please answer our query," The King of Udupi chuckled, "Haha!! I have a very simple explanation as to my secret formula for the amount of food I make: Every night, after the day's war had ended, I would give Krishna a woven bag of peeled peanuts. As he ate them, I would observe. I would count how many peanuts he would swallow and multiply that by one thousand. That number would be the number of soldiers and warriors destined to die the next day. Next, I would deduct that number from the current day's count, therefore leaving a certain number of how many soldiers I would need to feed that day. Krishna would also specify the amount of food for each soldier that I would need to cook while eating the peanuts," The Pandavas were in shock!!! This amazing food had been calculated and ingeniously planned only by a bag of peanuts?! Their astonishment knew no bounds. Krishna, seeing that the King of Udupi had done such a great service out of such a small medium, blessed him, "You have taken care of all of the soldiers who've fought in this battle without any bias. I admire that kind of generosity in humans. May your future generations be famous and revered for making delicious food, serving it efficiently, and making everybody who eats your food, be content until their next meal," The King of Udupi bowed down to Krishna and drove his chariot back to his coastal town in Karnataka.

People say that this is the reason we see so many Udupi restaurants across the whole world - let alone India!!! Nearly all are revered as the masters of their cuisine, which brings content tummies and filled-up bellies along with it.

Thanks for reading Why are there so many Udupi Restaurants?! Please type your email in the box above the followers and click the blue button to receive emails about my posts!!!!! Happy Reading!!!!!!


  1. Fascinating narrative Pradyun !. Very interesting . That brought me a chuckle too :-)


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