Monday, June 8, 2020

The Story of the Truthful Cow…

Hi!!! Today's story is a folktale from Karnataka. It's about a truthful cow, who doesn't stop telling the truth even when she nearly reaches the end of her life. Let see what happens…

A long time ago, in a small village off the coast of Karnataka, lived a herd of cows. Every morn, they would leave their small calves in the shed and go graze with their cowherd. Every evening, they would come back and play with their calves. This routine continued every day. 
One day, the cowherd had taken his cows to graze in a different patch. It was in a dense forest, with many big caves surrounding the huge trees.
The cowherd had wandered off, when suddenly a huge tiger jumped out of a cave!! The cows ran amock seeing the tiger. He had a sunset orange coat, with thin, pitch-black stripes lining his body. He had two white tufts of fur under his jaws, which rippled when he roared. His paws had short, sharp claws, which were tinted an ivory colour.

 The tiger lunged at a cow, who ran away in fear. Soon, all of the cows had bolted back to the shed. All but one. Her name was Punyakoti. She had tried to run, but the tiger never let her run away. The tiger had stopped her.
The tiger circled Punyakoti,  waiting to kill her. Punyakoti was biting her lip in fear. She pleaded the tiger, "I shall come back, O Tiger. Please, pretty please let me go," but, the tiger didn't think that Punyaloti would come back. "Hmm… How should I believe you… I think that you are just going to escape…" But, Punyakoti continued, "I shall just feed my child and come back, then you may eat me," The tiger had many doubts about Punyakoti, who begged him to let her go.
Soon, the tiger broke. He scoffed, "If you don't come back, I'll hunt you down and kill all of the cows and calves that live with you. You must come back!!! If you don't…" Punyakoti nodded her head and ran back to her shed.
She saw her calf whining, which made her sob. She came to her calf and whispered, " Hello, my little one. I have to tell you something," her calf innocently asked, "What, ma? What happened? Are you okay?" Punyakoti shed a tear and said, "I have come to see you for the last time. A tiger had captured me and only let come to you to feed you. This is the last time I shall set my eyes on you. I am so sorry," She sobbed along with her calf, fearing that he might also join his mom with her fate. He wailed in agony, as his mom discussed her fate with her friends. They begged her to stay, but she said, "I have made a promise. I cannot go back on it, even if it costs me my life," they wept with her, too.

Soo, it was time for Punyakoti to go back to the tiger. She wished her friends and her calf goodbye and set off.
Meanwhile, the tiger had grown even hungrier. He cursed himself for letting such an easy prey go!!! Pondering over his misfortune, he saw Punyakoti arrive at the cave. He couldn't believe his stars!!!! ‘Here I am, as I promised,’ said the cow, coming up to the tiger. "I have fed my calf for the last time and said goodbye to him. The other cows have promised to look after him. So, now you may kill me and eat me." The tiger, who was moved by Punyakoti's devotion to her promise, shook his head. He thought that Punyakoti would've deserted him, but she stayed true to her word. He sat in front of her and stated, "I cannot eat you," he said. "It is better that I die than eat someone as good and truthful as you." With that, he climbed to the top of his cave and jumped off, killing himself.
Punyakoti rushed back to her shed, where her calf sat in dismay. He looked up and mooed in ecstasy. He ran to his mom, who wept with joy.
She narrated the story of how the tiger had let her go.

Thus, Punyakoti saved her life by being truthful and honest.

Moral: Be truthful, for it could save your life

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