Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Story of Vishnu and Brahma's Competition…

Hi there!!! Todays's story is about why the Creator God, Brahma,. isn't worshipped anywhere in the world, except one place. This story is also another reason why Brahma got his four heads (You can read my other story - Why Does Brahma Have Four Heads? - to understand the other reason behind how he got faces facing all directions). Let's go…

One day, Brahma and Vishnu were walking in the celestial gardens. They were both walking on two separate paths, each paved with shining gold. They were both breathing in the fresh air, exercising their hardest (What do you expect? Both, Vishnu and Brahma were very, very, VERY old, so they couldn't do workouts. Walking was good enough, I guess.). They were huffing and puffing, when the two paths they were walking suddenly converged!! The two roads had now turned into one!!! Vishnu huffed, "Hello, Brahma. Do let me pass, so that I may continue walking," but, Brahma puffed, "Sorry, Vishnu, but can you let me pass? I need to continue walking," Vishnu shook his head in frustration. He grit his teeth and growled, "Please move, Brahma!! I need to go!!! Let me move!!!" Brahma also did the same, "I am the Creator!!!! Let me move!!!!!" Vishnu pointed his finger at Brahma and warned him, "I am the Preserver!!!! If I wasn't there, why would you create?!?! There would be no-one to preserve your creations!!!!" Brahma warned Vishnu, "Don't point your finger at me!!!! You're talking to the Creator here!!! If I didn't create, what would you preserve?!?!?!"
As the gods argued, many others came to see what was happening. They thought that it would escalate into a huge heated fight!!!!

Soon, the argument had become a huge fight!!!! Brahma and Vishnu were shoving their fists into each other, they were kicking each other with their celestial feet. They were shouting at each other, just waiting for one of them to withdraw and let the other go on the path.
Hours passed. Brahma and Vishnu grew tired. They couldn't continue in this fashion for longer.
Soon, they decided on a competition: Whoever found the Atma Linga of Shiva shall be the superior and shall go on the road first (I know, all of this just for someone to walk on a path?!). Vishnu stated, "I shall take the form of Varaha and dig my way down until I find the Atma Linga," Brahma declared, "I shall fly higher and higher on my swan until I am the victor," So, Vishnu and Brahma got ready for the competition. Lord Shiva eagerly watched this, as he was the only one who knew how to get to the Atma Linga. He sat on the tip of Mount Kailasha and laughed.
The Next day, Vishnu and Brahma met on the Earth. Vishnu assumed the form of Varaha, the boar and Brahma called his vehicle, a swan, to his position.

One of the gods shouted GO!!!!! and they were off!! Vishnu dug deep into the ground, searching for the Atma Linga, whereas Brahma zoomed up into the sky, looking for the Atma Linga.
Vishnu went deep into the Earth. And deeper. And deeper. And deeper. Soon, he grew tired and wheezed, “This Atma Linga evades me. Why, I do not know!! I’m getting tired, and I’m getting hungry. I’m going back up to where I met Brahma. I can't take this any longer," thus, Vishnu came back, deserting his search for the Atma Linga.
Meanwhile, Brahma flew higher. And higher. And higher. He reached the clouds soon. With the Atma Linga nowhere in sight, he sighed He thought that Vishnu would win the competition. Ass he was resting on his swan, a small, white mallika flower toppled into his hands. He asked the flower, " My dear flower, where have you come from? Are you okay?!" The mallika flower smiled and said, "Hello, Lord Brahma. I was sitting atop the Atma Linga, for a devotee had placed me there. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew me off the Linga!! I fell off quite some time ago. After falling for nearly a few minutes, I landed in your hands. Then, you know what happened," Brahma stared in awe. He hatched a sneaky plan, then said, "That's wonderful!!! I was looking for a flower just like you. I have one little job for you to do," the flower said, “What is that job?” Brahma replied, “Well, you just tell Vishnu that I took you off the top of the Atma Linga.” The mallika flower said, “Well, Brahma, that’s not quite true. A devotee put me on top of the Atma Linga, and a gust of wind blew me off of the top of the Atma Linga. That’s how I came to be in your hand.” And Brahma said, “Do you know who I am? I’m the Creator of the Universe. And if you do this little thing for me, I will make sure that you are honoured amongst all flowers.”

The flower smiled and flew down to the surface of the Earth, where Varaha was waiting for Brahma. Smiling, Varaha asked the flower, "Hello, little mallika flower. How have you arrived here?!" The little flower narrated what Brahma had told him to say. Only that. He didn't tell anything that Brahma had added, like he would be revered in the flower kingdom, and that Brahma had told him to come here.
Vishnu stroked his chin, then saw that Brahma's swan was coming down, with him sitting on it. He greeted Brahma, who proclaimed, "I reached the Atma Linga and cam down. I told this flower to come here and tell you that I had completed the competition. I am now the superior!!!! Hah!!!!"
Meanwhile, Shiva was watching this incident unfold from his abode atop Mount Kailasha. He was enraged!!! He knew that Brahma hadn't reached the Atma Linga!!! He jumped down from his mountain and bellowed, "BRAHMA, YOU LIAR!!!!! YOU NEVER REACHED THE ATMA LINGA!!! YOU HAVE PROVED TO BE THE WORST OF MEN!!!" Shiva flung his trident at Brahma's head which was facing the sky and chopped it off. KKKCCCHHHAAACCCKKK!!!!!!!!! Brahma wailed in sorrow, as he begged Shiva and Vishnu for forgiveness. Shiva landed on the floor and stated, " Without my grace, no one can reach the top of the Atma Linga!!!!! Because of your horrid actions, I curse you - May you never be worshipped anywhere!!!!!!" Brahma begged them for forgiveness, which they readily gave, but on some conditions. Brahma would never challenge Vishnu. He would accept that Vishnu was the Supreme. He would never annoy others too.

Thus, Brahma lost one of his heads and he was never given any worship ever.

Fun Fact Nº 1: There is only one temple dedicated to Lord Brahma. It is in Pushkar, Rajasthan.

Fun Fact Nº 2: This incident (Varaha digging down and Brahma flying up) is said to have occurred in Pushkar

Thank for reading Vishnu and Bramha's Competition!!! Please type your email in the box above the followers and click the blue button to receive emails about my posts!!!! Happy Reading!!!!!!!!


  1. Pradyun ur way of rendering the story was very good. Especially the word kkkchakkkkk. I always enjoy reading the stories u post.


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