Monday, June 1, 2020

The Story of Arjuna and the Beggar…

Hi!!! Today's story is about a poor beggar, and how Arjuna (sort of) helps him. Let's get on with the story, then…

One day, Krishna and Arjuna went on a stroll around Hastinapur. They walked all around the city, chatting about their affairs. 
On the way, they saw a beggar sitting on the side of the road. He was shaking his hands, pleading the passers-by for money. Taking pity on him, Arjuna gave him a brown, woollen bag filled with gleaming, glistening gold coins. When he received the small sack, the beggar clasped his hands and thanked Arjuna, "Thank you so much, my prince. It is hard to find words to express my gratitude." Arjuna blessed the beggar with Krishna watching in pleasure.
The beggar set off for his home, skipping all the way. He was elated to receive the gold coins from Arjuna. He had never received so much money in his life!! But, before he could reach his hut, a robber came and stole all of his money!! The beggar was desolate after his encounter with the robber. He reached his house and cried over his luck for a bit. The next day, he went back to the same side of the road that he had sat at the day before.

Krishna and Arjuna came to walk again that day. When they passed the beggar, Arjuna inquired, "What happened? Why are you back here? I gave you a bag of gold coins!!' The beggar explained that his bag was stolen by a robber.
Taking pity on the beggar once more, Arjuna gave him a small, shiny diamond. The beggar was ecstatic to see the diamond in his hands!! He thanked Arjuna and went on his way.
The beggar ran home, carefully avoiding all of the burglars, and stuffed his diamond in an earthen pot. But, early the next day, the beggar's wife had gone to collect water from a river, when her normal pot broke. She came home and found a pot. BUT, it was the same pot that the diamond was in!!!!! She took it and filled it up with water. When the pot was filled to the brim, the diamond slid out and fell into the water.
When he woke up, the beggar searched the whole hut, but he couldn't find his diamond!! He asked his wife, who replied, "I took another container and filled that with water, and a shiny thing fell out. I didn't know what it was, so I left it," the beggar was depressed. He went back to beg at the side of the road.

As usual, Arjuna and Krishna passed by. Arjuna inquired again, "What happened now?!" The beggar despondently replied, "My wife lost it in a river," Arjuna slapped his head and told Krishna, "Bhraatha, I think the fate of this Brahmin is written to beg for alms, so I don’t want to waste my money on this Brahmin anymore," Krishna smiled and gave the beggar two small metal coins. The beggar thanked Krishna, who continued with his cousin along the road.
At the end of the day, the beggar counted his earning. He only got the amount that Krishna had given!! Sadly, he trudged back to his home.
As he was walking, he saw a small fish flapping around in a fisherman's bucket. It looked like it was choking on something!! The beggar felt sad by seeing the suffering state of the fish, so he asked the fisherman if he could have the fish. He gave him the two coins that Krishna had given him. He thought to himself, "Two metal coins can't get me any food, so I at least try and save this poor creature,"
So, the beggar brought the fish to his hut and put him in a small pot of water. He looked around his house, trying to find something that could help him dislodge the fish's throat.
Soon, he found a small stick and pulled out the thing that was clogging the fish. Lo and behold!!! It was the same diamond that Arjuna had given him!!!!

The beggar started dancing and shouting around in his house.
Around their house was the same robber, lurking around!! He heard the commotion and thought that the beggar had recognized him!!
The robber ran to the beggar's house and begged him for mercy. He returned all of the money that he had stolen and went back to the forest.
The next day, Arjuna and Krishna went walking and saw the beggar strolling in fine clothes, with jewellery dangling from his body. Arjuna exclaimed, "Waah!! Yesterday you were a beggar, but today you are a businessman!!! Super!!!" The beggar thanked Arjuna and Krishna and went off.
Arjuna was curious, "O Krishna, how could this happen? My gold coins and precious diamond could not change the fate of this Brahmin, whereas your two metal coins could change his fate?” “When he had gold coins and diamonds, he was thinking only of himself and his needs, but when he had two pennies, he valued the need of another creature in front of him. And so I took care of his needs. The truth is, when you think about the pain and needs of others and work to help them, you are doing God’s work. Therefore, God himself takes care of you," replied Krishna.

Thanks for reading Arjuna and the Beggar!!! Please type your email in the box above the followers and click the blue button to receive emails about my posts!!!!! Happy Reading!!!!!

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