Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Tale of Ganesha and the Moon…

Hi there!! Have you ever heard the legend, that if you look at the moon on Ganesha Chaturthi, you will be cursed with bad luck? Today's story is about that same legend. Let's go…
Disclaimer: This story is also another reason why Chandra waxes and wanes. Nobody knows the real reason. I have written another story on that, called Why Does Shiva Have A Crescent Moon In His Hair? Be sure to check it out!
Lord Ganesha - the son of Lord Shiva and Goddes Parvati - had a weakness for sweet treats. Whenever anyone offered him, sweets, like modaks, jamuns, and jalebis, his tummy would roar like a lion!! His mouth would water like the River Ganga. His eyes would widen so that they would resemble the size of the sun! He would grin in hunger, as he eyed the juicy sweet treats that a devotee offered him. As soon as they left the temple, Ganesha would zoom down and gobble the sweet treats all up!! He couldn't restrain himself from the delectable delicacies that his dear devotees brought him. 
On Ganesha's birthday, millions of people made mouth-watering sweets and finger-licking treats, all being offered to Ganesha. Seeing the massive preparations, Ganesha licked his lips in awe, "Waah!!! How good it is to be a god!! Everbody gives you yummy sweets on your birthday!! This is soooo much better than a birthday cake!!" Ganesha's smile grew over his face, and his eyes widened like an inflated balloon. H clenched his fists in ecstasy and jumped up into the sky!! His vehicle and best friend, Krauncha the Mouse, ran swiftly around him and stood under him when he landed. He squeaked, "O Ganapati, why don't we go now and eat all the sweets down there!! I can smell the beautiful scents all the way up here!!! Let's go now!!" Ganesha laughed in agreement and exclaimed, "Of course, Krauncha. Of course!! Let's go!!" Krauncha rode down from the top of Mount Kailash all the way to the Earth. They closed their eyes and breathed in the lovely scents that wafted from the houses of their devotees.
By the time the sun had gone down and the moon had risen high into the sky, Ganesha and Krauncha had finished all of the modaks, jamuns, jalebis and rasgullas in the whole world!!!! Ganesha's tummy, despite being huge already, bloated up like a hot air balloon!! Krauncha suddenly turned from a mouse into a pig-bellied fatso!!! They lied down in a dense forest, burping into the night. BBBUUUURRRRRPPPP!!!!!! BBBBBBBUUUUUUUURRRRRRRPPPPPP!!!!!!!!! went Ganesha and Krauncha as their bellies recovered from being filled up with goodies (They were like the luckiest kids on Halloween!! They got the most amount of sweets ever known, EVER!!!!!!). Their bellies were full to the brim, making the most potent sleeping pill known to mankind. They closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep, as the trees ruffled in the wind and the birds flapped their wings into the night.
When Ganesha and Krauncha woke up, they saw that the moon was high in the sky, meaning that they had slept until midnight!!!! Ganesha slapped his head in shock!! His parents would be expecting him back by now!! They must have been worried sick!!! Ganesha exclaimed, "Krauncha, we must go fast, or else we will get a sound thrashing from Mom and Dad!!! Come on, let's go!!!!" He climbed onto Kraucha's back and rode off to Mount Kailash.
As they were going down a road, Krauncha saw a huge serpent spring out of nowhere!!!! He lept away and ran off, making Ganesha fall to the ground. Unfortunately, Ganesha had eaten one too many modaks, and his tummy burst in two!!!! He fell on the floor in a rage, as he picked up all of the sweets that had fallen on the floor. Looking over his shoulder, Ganesha thought, "I hope no-one has seen me. This is so embarrassing!!!!" But, alas!!! Chandra, the Moon, had seen it all. He rolled around and started laughing like a joker. Soon, he erupted in laughter, choking on his breath, and wheezing with excitement. Ganesha trumpeted with fiercely and shouted, "O CHANDRA!!!! You have caused a grave offence to me!!! I curse you!!! May you turn black and lose your power!! Then, no one can see you forever!!!!!" Suddenly, Chandra started to fade away!!! He pleaded Ganesha to take back his curse, but Ganesha stated, "I cannot do so, my friend. I cannot take back my words," Chandra wailed in sadness until his tears ran dry. Ganesha saw his earnest pleads and said, "I shall alter your curse, Chandra. On this day, every year hereafter, if anyone looks at you then they shall undergo very bad luck and be falsely accused as a thief. You shall not lose your powers, but you shall undergo a phase without your powers and a phase where you retain your powers, " Chandra jumped in ecstasy and thanked Ganesha, who found Krauncha and rode all the way back to the top of Mount Kailash.
Thus, Chandra started to wax and wane and the Curse of Ganesha Chaturthi was set upon him.
Thanks for reading The Tale of Ganesha and the Moon!!! Please type your email in the box above the followers and click the blue button to receive emails about my posts!!! Happy Reading!!!!!!
P.S. Sorry for not posting yesterday!! I was caught up with some homework, so I couldn't find time to type my story. I'll be sure to publish stories every day!!!!! 

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