Thursday, June 25, 2020

The Tale of Krishna and the Govardhana Giri…

Hi there!!! Today's story is about Krishna as a little boy and how he lifted the huge Govardhana Giri (Giri means mountain) on his finger!! This story is from the Puranas.

Let's go…

Brindavana was a place of luscious greenery and every single resident used to credit it to Lord Indra, who brought down monsoon rains and gave them warm and lovely weather all year round. Every year, they held a festival in honour of Lord Indra in the monsoon season. One monsoon, perhaps, had the best rainfall ever. It poured daily, nonstop, all the time. You couldn't put one step out of your house without getting drenched in cool, fresh rainwater. Many of the little kids used to frolic and play in the muddy grass. They would throw chocolate-tinted mud around, flinging it at each other too.

One similar monsoon, Brindavana had good rain and the village greenery thrived with healthy vegetation. The people in the village planned to celebrate the good weather and thank Lord Indra. So, the people cleaned and decorated the whole village with shiny lights and beautiful flowers. Lord Krishna was unaware of this new development, and as he heard the noise outside, he peeped outside of his window and saw the decorations. He enquired the reason for the celebration from his foster father, Nanda. Nanda said, "Lord Indra blesses us with good rains, so we celebrate him and his work," as he came to know, Krishna was shocked and denied that the reason behind the rain is not Lord Indra. The people in the village were astonished to hear this incident. The noise stopped and everyone were keenly listening to Lord Krishna.
Nanda tried to convince Krishna that Lord Indra brought the annual rains and was responsible for the growth of their crops. He tried many ways but to no avail. Krishna just wouldn't accept it. He went out into the calmed celebration and proclaimed, "People of Brindavana!!! You have been mistaken that Lord Indra takes care of the rains!!! Well, I say that's all codswallop!!!! I say that the Govardhana Giri is responsible or the monsoons and is the one behind all of our crops and is the reason that they grow!!!!" The people of Brindavana were shocked!!! They couldn't digest this new occurrence. A small child was claiming that Indra doesn't give them rains?! Some were annoyed. Some were angry. Some even became down-right enraged!!! They stomped over to Krishna and questioned him, "How dare you say that about Lord Indra?!?! He is the one who makes it rain every year. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have any food and we would all die!!!! If it weren't for him, our land wouldn't be fertile, too!!!! How do you propose that Govardhana Giri is responsible for our rains and monsoon weather?!? Indra is a GOD, and the Govardhana Giri is a non-living thing!!!!!" Krishna smiled and replied, "Yes, I agree with you. Govardhana is a non-living thing, but the monsoon is a natural phenomenon, right?! You all might know that when you pray to Indra, he only responds at a certain time of the year, right?! That is because of all the activities on the Govardhana Giri!!! It provides the cattle that Balarama, my friends and me graze, with luscious green grass. Since it provides, the cows can plough are land and they can give us fresh milk. Farmers such as us must only concentrate on our 'karma', or duties, and perform them to the best of our abilities, rather than conducting poojas like this for any natural phenomenon. I rest my case," The citizens of Brindavana were impressed by Krishna's words, and taking his assurance, they proceeded with the puja. But, not to Lord Indra, nooo. They performed it to Govardhana Giri!!!

Lord Indra, who was watching this incident unfold, became livid with madness!!! He was angrier than a dragon trying to blow out birthday candles!!! His face lit up a shade of pink, which the other gods laughed at.
Indra's face turned a bright shade of pink, to a deep red. He roared in a fit of rage, as he summoned his magical clouds. He called them and said, "Go and pour every single drop of rain that you have onto Brindavana. Let's see who they will worship after that!!!!!" The clouds flew over to Brindavana and counted down, "Five, four, three, two, one, POUR!!!!!!!" They let go of their rain, and it splattered down onto the Govardhana Giri. The people of Brinadavana saw the rain and went out. They witnessed a supernatural incident in the waking. The rain slowly grew heavier and heavier with the coming of each second. They were astonished to see the heavy rain turn heavier within seconds.
Within a few minutes, the whole village of Brindavana had been flooded!!!! People rushed into their homes, which slowly started to level with the water. Some houses crumbled with the force of the rain. Nearly all of the people were frightened out of their skins, as they ran into make-shift underground shelters.
Krishna, seeing this, ran out into the rain. Yashoda, his foster mother, screamed out to him, "Krishna!!! Krishna!!! Come back!!!! Krishna!!! Come back inside!!!!!!!!!" Without heeding his mother's words, he ran up to the Govardhana Giri and shouted, "ALL THOSE WHO WANT SHELTER, COME TO ME!!!!!!!!!" All of the citizens of Brindavana ran to Krishna, for they had previously seen his miracles in action. They knew that he could help them out.
Suddenly, Krishna grabbed the bottom of the Govardhana Giri and lifted it up into the sky. The people of Brindavana were sacred out of their skin!!!! They knew that Krishna wasn't an ordinary boy, but this was too much!!! Still, they sprinted over to him, as he lifted the whole mountain in one hand. he slowly eased it onto his pinky finger and kept it on there for hours. More and more people came rushing under the mountain. Even the cows and other animals of Govardhana had come to take shelter under Krishna's pinky.
Krishna held it on his finger for one day. Then two. Then three days, until one whole week had passed!!!! The town of Brindavana had become waterlogged, as the citizens held on for their lives. The clouds in the sky gushed rainwater down like waterfalls, breaking houses and shacks in seconds.

After the week had elapsed, Indra finally understood who he was fighting against. He called the clouds away and cleansed Brindavana of its waterlogging. He rebuilt all of the houses and made all of the monuments right once again. He bowed down to Krishna, asking for forgiveness.
Being an avatar of the kind-hearted Vishnu, Krishna forgave Indra and asked him to return to his abode up above. Indra gladly did so and returned to the heavens. The village of Brindavana turned into what it was before. So did the lives of all of the people of Brindavana.

Thus, Krishna lifted the Govardhana Giri and saved his town.

Thanks for reading Krishna and the Govardhana Giri!!!!! Please type your email in the box above the followers and click the blue button to receive emails about my posts!!!! Happy Reading!!!!!!!!!!

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